Kitchen Ceiling Soot
Thick, black smoke billowing up from grease which has burst into open flames can leave a terrible mess on the ceilings. Here, our technician is using a dry clean sponge to wipe away soot in the first passes of removing/reducing the soot.
Obviously, this ceiling is never going to be cleaned back to white, or whatever the original color. It will require sealing the sealing and then re-painting. The painting procedures cannot be done until the soot is removed to a reasonable/workable point.
While the kitchen area was coated with this amount of soot, it was really just getting going spreading into the other rooms. When the back door was opened, the smoke changed directions suddenly, going out into the breezeway room and outside.
Fortunately, no one was hurt...the initial face full of smoke aside...and the fire was put out with flour. Yes, flour does work.