Inside the Containment
6/10/2019 (Permalink)
Ever wonder what it looks like inside a mold containment area.
As you can see, it is pretty exciting inside the containment area.
Not shown are people in full personal protection suits and gear.
And, of course, missing is the debris which can accumulate in large quantities needing bagged and removed correctly.
The ladder to the left was 10' tall which was needed to get the containment all the way up to the ceiling. It was also needed for higher up demolition. Consequently, it couldn't be removed without compromising the it became a cleaned and treated part of the chamber.
Oh, and it is usually very hot inside as well.
After demolition though, it is a lot like a normal room.
Negative air and air machines are always running to capture mold spores and clean the air.
Almost a surreal environment when mold spores become the "can't see 'ums".