Water Damage Photo Gallery

Floor based electric pugs...formerly submerged
Electric plugs, set in the floor such as these, a really handy in a large room.
These particular plugs were under two feet of water just a couple of days before this picture.
If you have water in your home/business/building and plugs in the floor, you may want to cut the power to them at the circuit box.
Sometimes folks have had these under carpeting someone else had installed previously and they never knew the plugs were there.
SERVPRO of Waco, a restoration company, has been helping folks with damaged hames and structures in the greater Waco area and though out Central Texas since 2001.
Let us help you!
SERVPRO of Waco (254) 756-4300

These are the proverbial "flood cut" drywall walls.
When walls which have been exposed to water are cut and removed like this it is referred to as "flood cutting." The origins come from cutting out walls after the water had come in from an outside source...say the flooded creek, as was the case in this Teague TX area home.
In the case of the walls pictured, there was literally two feet of creek flood water in the home.
Flood cutting is extreme and disruptive, even if cool looking. Most water damages from plumbing/water pipe sources don't require this.
At SERVPRO of Waco, a restoration company, we have been helping folks in the greater Waco area and through out Central Texas with property damage situations since 2001.
Let us help you!
SERVPRO of Waco (254) 756-4300
And yet another Baptismal Story.
While a very holy ceremony, churches practicing full immersion baptism are rife with stories, often funny, of incidents related to baptisms.
Some are of kids diving in the water, the water heater not working...the drain separating and causing the waters to flow into the sanctuary and surrounding areas on its way back to the river, just to name a few.
This drain caused a water damage when the water was drained at a church in Glen Rose, TX. SERVPRO of Waco Fire & Water - Clean Up & Restoration was able to extract the water and dry things up nicely with minimum disruption.

Signs of a Blocked Drain
If you find this in your shower, tub, etc., such as in this one in the Lake Air area of Waco, TX, it means your drains are plugged somewhere between here and the street/septic system.
Plumber pronto.
SERVPRO of Waco Fire & Water - Clean Up & Restoration for water damage clean up if it overflows significantly.
Oh, and don't run any water of consequence inside the building until you know where the stoppage is located. No one wants the washing machine or their bath to drain onto the floors.

Manufactured Home Belly Tarp
This, my friends, is what it looks like under a manufactured home that suffered a water damage leak.
These homes have strong tarps under them which will hold water. Lots of it. We at SERVPRO of Waco, have seen them stretched clear down on the ground. With the HVAC vents in the floors, they act like a drain system, but aren't water tight.
They have to be cut open to get the evaporating moisture out of the building and get wet insulation off the floors/joists.
When cut open the water really gushes out of these.
One has to be skilled to cut these open and be out of the way of the water. Unlike me, who misjudged this one in Whitney, TX, and had the water and that pipe laying there come right at me. The pipe did hit me, but not hard.
Worst part was getting water down in the rubber boot. That thing still smells. Oh, oh, too much information.

Leaking here? You Gotta Be kidding!
Very desirable antique bed, antique rug, antique dressers, even antique china (lots of it)...and it has to leak here in this Waco, TX, water damage.
Just above the left foot board bedpost.
We at SERVPRO of Waco Fire & Water - Clean Up & Restoration find water just seems attracted to small spaces, storage areas and, of course, china cabinets.